9 - 18

    Senior (Co-ed)



  North Wales

Foreign Education UK and International Education Consultants in UK and Hong Kong  Founded in 2015

  A-Level & GSCE


Myddelton College, Peakes Lane, Denbigh, North Wales, LL16 3EN

Key Information & Geographic location in the UK

Myddelton College is an independent contemporary co-educational boarding school for girls and boys aged between 7 and18 with strong boarding ethos.  The school has around 250 pupils and home to 75 pupils, located in Denbighshire in the heart of the Welsh countryside.  At the heart of North Wales, overlooking the breath-taking Vale of Clwyd in the historic town of Dendign ('Dinbych' in Welsh meaning 'Little fortress') grew to become through the next 200 years, a royal residence (or 'Llys') for Welsh princes and a centre point of Welsh power in North Wales.


School Profile:

Myddelton College selected as a Microsoft Associate Showcase school for their excellence in transforming its learning environment to deliver more personalized education to pupils.  They aim to provide your child with a unique blend of 21st-century learning and the best of a British education.  The prospectus will tell you more about the special qualities and offer an insight into what makes Myddelton College 'more than just an education'.

They have founded the school upon the 'Three Pillars of Myddelton'. These are the three areas in which belief every Myddeltonian should excel Resilience, Scholarship and Fellowship.

Resilience - The Students in Myddelton College are taught to never give up in the pursuit of goals and achievements. Students at Myddelton College take part in learning through the outdoors programme where they experience cross-curricular learning, personal and social development and gain skills that teach them how to cope with setbacks and learn from them. The School can help the pupils develop a positive mindset that embraces the challenge.

Scholarship – The students in the Myddelton have a passion for learning, Academic excellence remains at the heart of a Myddeltonian education. Excellent exam results are received at both GCSE and A-level and our sixth form leavers begin courses are some of the most prestigious universities across the UK. 

Fellowship - The place has a great emphasis on the supportive community and developing a young person with an internationalist outlook. Myddelton College teaches its students that the biggest impact they can have on another person's life is simply by being kind and thoughtful to them.

Academic Success:

Myddelton College places high value and great emphasis on academic success, they also take a holistic view of education.  The School ethos of developing and nurturing each individual student means that the value the arts, a love of the outdoors and sporting ability just as highly.

The College has a high standard of education and is delighted to be celebrating its best ever set of A-Level results in 2019.  Students achieved 100% A*- A grades in Business Studies, Further Mathematics, Government and Politics and Physics.

University Destination:

All pupils in the Sixth Form will be educated and guided within the curriculum to be entered for the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award and will receive in-depth UCAS coaching lead by Oxbridge graduates.

Boarding and Pastoral Care for students:

Myddelton Collge is also about providing a pastoral care structure that goes well beyond simple welfare, at Myddelton.  The College focuses on developing and maturing the individual, both emotionally and intellectually.  They believe that they will have a support system in place that is second to none when it comes to helping encouraging, supporting and advising young people navigate their life between the ages of 9 to 18.

Extracurricular Activities:

Physical sports should encourage a young person to extend themselves and see themselves as being.  With a wide range of extra-curricular activities including climbing, caving, orienteering, elite triathlon training, young people have a wider exposure to what they are capable of.  With a wide range of the outdoors programme activities designed to help the students to develop the leadership skills that collaboration and teamwork in the physical.  Whether joining Cadet Force, the Duke of Edinburgh Awards programme, or training with the triathlon team.  The students will learn the skills that will see them through their lives.

Music and Drama are a core part of the ethos of Myddelton with the vast majority of students taking part in Music, Choirs and Drama club your child will have an all-round and broad education. Studying at Myddelton College will allow your child to flourish both in and out of the classroom and develop the skills, qualities and values that will lead to a successful life.


Sporting activities -



Music activities -



Languages -



Club activities - 




School Ranking 2019 

A Level A* - A


A Level A* - A


Further Mathematics

Business Studies


GCSE 9 - 7


GCSE 9 - 4




School Fees

 Year 7  -  £36,600

 Year 8  -  £36,600

 Year 9  -  £36,600

 Year 10  -  £36,600

 Year 11  -  £36,600

 Year 12  -  £36,600

 Year 13  -  £36,600






Speak to our specialist International Education Consultants

If you would like to speak to one of our UK and international educational consultants, please contact us for further information at JMS Global Consultancy.

Alternatively, complete an enquiry form. We assist families across Hong Kong, China (including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen), Asia Pacific, Dubai and Doha.



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